ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resource (RIR) The RIR review process relies on all members of the ELIXIR Technical Coordinator Group (TeCG) to be part of the reviewer’s pool. The aim of this activity is to gather TeCG’s expert opinions on the RIR applications. The call for RIR submission was opened on 2 December 2019 and will close on 31 January 2020. The Review Process webinar will be held on 16 December 2019, 12:00 GMT by invitation only. You will receive the call-in information of the RIR Reviewer’s webinar on a nearer date. Recording of this webinar will be available upon request to Sira (sirarat.sarntivijai@elixir-europe.org). With TeCG as the ELIXIR RIR’s pool of reviewers, it is inevitable that our members may partake in some activities with regards to the RIR application(s) from their Nodes/institutions. This does not mean that you will be disqualified as a reviewer. It is important that you are in a position to objectively evaluate any proposal that you undertake to review. Therefore, we ask that you fill out the following form to your best ability to let the RIR selection committee know which RIR application(s) you may have been involved in to avoid foreseeable conflict of interest when assigning applications to TeCG reviewers. Conflicts of Interest arise when the reviewer and an applicant have in common any of the following factors: membership of same institution membership of governance body for institution involved co-grants over the last five years currently active projects direct involvement with the work proposed close personal/family relationship with any of partners The RIR selection committee will use the information that you provide to avoid assignment of application to the reviewer with conflicting interest. Conflicts Conflicts of interest Please indicate potential conflicts of interest by listing the RIR applications/relevant work(s) that you have been involved in/shared common interest with as described above. Leave blank if declaring NO conflict of interest. Additional comments to the RIR selection committee Confidentiality Confidentiality Notice Confidentiality notice We ask reviewers to acknowledge the importance of keeping details of the proposals they review confidential. This is necessary to encourage the submission of innovative proposals from the ELIXIR Nodes and to encourage frank reviewer comment. Accordingly, we ask you to undertake to keep confidential all information in relation to the proposal, including: the fact that an application has been made; name of the host research organisation; details of the applicants (title, forenames, initials, surname, research organisation and department); name(s) of project partner organisations; project title; technical and non-technical abstracts of the proposal, including all details of the science project and training programmes; peer review information. Consent By checking this box, I confirm that I have read and understood the Confidentiality Notice, and that all information declared in the Conflict of Interest statement is true. Full name Institute Email