Performance benchmarking and technical monitoring

This study will support OpenEBench in the goal to become an observatory of bioinformatics software quality regarding openness including: 

  • software development and containerization best-practices
  • FAIR data principles for reference datasets as well as the principles on Open Data, Open Source and Open Science.

WP1. A Core Benchmarking Service: 

Work Package 1 has the following aims:

  • To establish, consolidate and extend the core ELIXIR Service for benchmarking
  • To lower the benchmarking startup hurdle
  • To provide basic tests of tool operability
  • To alleviate reimplementation of abstractable workflows

Through four subtasks: 

  1. Execution environment for benchmarking workflows
  2. Automated data import
  3. Scientific benchmarking test case
  4. Extend visualization gallery