This implementation study is designed to
- Further identify communities of curators within ELIXIR, with the aim to reach out to those who may not initially identify with this role;
- Review and map the type of curation work being done, for which databases across ELIXIR, and in which life science/health domains;
- Identify the tools they are currently using for curation tasks;
- Assess the capacity requirements for new curators and training provision available;
- Produce an initial map of biocurators, manually curated knowledgebases and data repositories, curation tools / resources covering a range of topics and domains; this will ensure that these resources are added to FAIRsharing as appropriate, providing an interoperable community resource mapping the landscape of biocuration and biological databases across Europe and the ELIXIR Nodes;
- Link training for biocuration resources to training available in TeSS and identify gaps in training provision.
The outcomes of this study have been published in F1000Research and were presented in a webinar.
Part of this work has been presented in the ISB Biocuration 2019 meeting (Cambridge, UK, April 2019):
- Holinski A, Burke M, Morgan S, Palagi P and McQuilton P. Mapping the landscape of biocuration – where are the biocurators and what do they need? F1000Research2019, 8:735 (slides)
- McQuilton P. – mapping the landscape of databases, standards and policies (describing, linking and assessing their FAIRness) F1000Research2019, 8:712 (slides)
- Palagi PM, McQuilton P and Beard N. TeSS: the ELIXIR training portal. F1000Research2019, 8:709 (slides)
and also in the ELIXIR All-Hands Meeting 2019 (Lisbon, Portugal, June 2019):
- Holinski A, Burke M, Morgan S, Palagi P and McQuilton P. Mapping the landscape of biocuration – where are the biocurators and what do they need? F1000Research2019, 8:1519 (slides)
This work is carried out in collaboration with
Nodes involved