Building the foundation for Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry within ELIXIR

There is a lot of material to teach software development, data manipulation, etc., but much of it is scattered, disorganized, contradictory, or inaccessible because it assumes too much prior knowledge. Contrarily there is a lack of training material in biocuration and for the development of content standards (terminologies, minimum information checklists, exchange formats) and their use in e.g. annotation tools.

Nevertheless, funders and researchers increasingly call for enhanced, standards driven experimental annotation at the source and data sharing to maximise data reproducibility and reuse, in order to drive science and scientific discoveries.

To tackle this evident gap, this ELIXIR project led by ELIXIR-UK with support from other ELIXIR Nodes aims to leverage the work of the existing Software Carpentry initiative and launch the Data Carpentry initiative for ELIXIR, closely working with the existing international Data Carpentery network.

The outcomes of the project are published: Developing a strategy for computational lab skills training through Software and Data Carpentry: Experiences from the ELIXIR Pilot action.