Platform and has received funding from ELIXIR-EXCELERATE WP4.3.1 and the AAI Implementation Studies in 2017, 2018, 2019-2020 and Compute Platform 2019-2021 [2, 3, 4, 5].
In June 2016, theELIXIR AAI (Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure) is the ELIXIR Infrastructure Service for authenticating researchers and enabling ELIXIR services to define user permissions for a given service (access rights). The ELIXIR AAI is coordinated by the ELIXIR Compute ELIXIR Head of Nodes Committee agreed on the ELIXIR AAI strategy [1] that:
- Defines the AAI as a service that falls under the responsibility of the ELIXIR Hub, enabling ELIXIR to commission AAI services from the Nodes or to obtain them from e-infrastructures.
- Makes a statement that ELIXIR intends to rely on e-infrastructure partners in the operations of the AAI or some of its components.
- Sets a goal of a common interoperable AAI for life science researchers, mentioning CORBEL WP5, AARC2 and the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) as key related activities.
The AAI implementation study 2019-2020 focused on providing a sustainable AAI service and preparing for the migration to the Life Science AAI that is currently under development in EOSC-Life WP5.
In 2021-2023, the AAI Implementation Study aims to:
- Continue providing a sustainable AAI service (the day-to-day operations and support).
- Migrate ELIXIR AAI to Life Science AAI when it has become a stable service.
- After migration to Life Science AAI, continue operating those ELIXIR specific components which are not relevant for other participating research infrastructure of Life Science AAI.
- Keep ELIXIR AAI as an environment for developing prototypes of new services and for subsequent integration to Life Science AAI.
It is assumed that the relation of ELIXIR AAI and the emerging Life Science AAI will be further specified in the timeframe of the next phase of the ELIXIR Compute Platform programme (2022-23).
Relation to other projects
In the near future, several funding sources are assumed for different activities related to ELIXIR AAI. We note that at least some of these funding sources, related to the ELIXIR-specific requirements, are expected to continue beyond the point at which LS AAI is in full production. In the allocation of funding sources to different activities, the following principles have been assumed in this Implementation Study Project Plan:
Persistent funding to be used for recurring and permanent costs, project funding for one-off costs. This Implementation Study is proposed to cover annually recurring ELIXIR AAI and coordination costs, as these are distinct from wider implementations including the LS AAI. While for the next three years the core funding for LS AAI is expected to be covered through the ESOC-Life project, we assume continuing support of ELIXIR-specific AAI services and processes through permanent funding as an Infrastructure Service in the long term. This Infrastructure Service support will continue to be required after the end of EOSC-Life. We expect other external project funding, including EOSC-Life (excluding LS AAI operations), other H2020 projects, and further ELIXIR Implementation Studies will be deployed to resource the development of new features. Using project funding to cover recurring costs is not deemed sustainable.
After migration to Life Science AAI some ELIXIR-specific components and processes will remain. Although core features and functionality of the ELIXIR AAI are expected to migrate to the Life Science AAI during the project, it is foreseen that there will be some ELIXIR-specific parts and activities that will continue to be managed by ELIXIR directly, in common with other Research Infrastructures (RIs) with ongoing RI-specific requirements.