Curation of Lipid Pathways by Domain Experts to Generate Open Access Biology Resources (2022-23)

The primary objective is to curate high-quality biochemical knowledge (reactions/enzymes/ genes) on lipid metabolism, working with lipid experts worldwide. The data will be housed in a shared resource created in partnership between two ELIXIR data services, LIPID MAPS (ELIXIR-UK), and WikiPathways (ELIXIR-NL).
To achieve this:

  • LIPID MAPS will establish expert teams representing LIPID MAPS lipid categories. Our recent “call for lipid experts” generated 50+ responses, and we have appointed expert leads to oversee data collection for 4 lipid categories.
  • For this project, initial focus will be on sphingolipids and sterols.
  • Experts will work with a curator to generate and sign-off content which will be assembled
  • using PathVisio/WikiPathways, an open access collaborative platform. The focus will be
  • mammals, but we look to include organisms such as plants, microbes, microalgae, yeast.
  • Content will be back-populated into the LIPID MAPS Structure and Reaction Databases to
  • generate an open resource for lipidomics.
Nodes involved
People involved