Generic Collaboration Agreement Oversight Form

The Belgian ELIXIR Node Collaboration Agreement (CA) calls for the establishment of an Oversight Group to annually review the position of the Node, to identify areas of concern or consider how the Node might develop in the future. The focus is on those services that the Node has included in the Service Delivery Plan (Annex 1) and Commissioned Services specified in the Annex 2 of the CA.

This form is an attempt to capture such information and may contribute to further discussions.  

Please select your Node
Regarding the internal operations of the Belgian Node:
1a. Is there an independent SAB in place for the Belgian Node?
1b. If not, is there an internal quality assurance mechanism in place?
(eg. Outline of the mechanism if not SAB, plans to establish SAB, link to report, if available)
2. Is the Belgian Node aware of the ELIXIR ELSI Policy?
See the ELIXIR ELSI Policy (opens a new tab).
3. Are there any financial issues regarding the sustainability of the Node and associated Services that cause concern?
4. Are the Belgian Node Services aware of the Sustainable Software Development process?
See the F1000 paper (opens a new tab).
Regarding the Belgian Node Services:

[Place Holder. Please disregard these questions, pending the completion of the Belgian Node Service Delivery Plan.]

If not, please inform the appropriate person for that service of the need
Regarding the Belgian Node Commissioned Services (Implementation Studies):
(Starting June 2018)
(Starting June 2018,

Learning Paths original document

(Starting August 2018)
(Starting June 2018)
Please give a summary of the Node's situation for the each of the active Implementation Studies involving the Belgian Node (eg. planning sessions, in progress, concluded etc).
Final Comments