ELIXIR position paper on FP10, the next EU research programme

ELIXIR has published its position paper on Framework Programme 10 (FP10), the next seven-year EU programme for research. The position paper summarises ELIXIR’s recommendations to ensure that research infrastructures enable science in Europe to thrive. 

The four key recommendations are:

  1. The budget allocation for the Research Infrastructures programme of FP10 should reflect the fundamental role research infrastructures play in delivering scientific excellence and socio-economic impact
  2. Open Data should remain the default position for FP10, with greater recognition for the importance of software and other digital assets 
  3. FP10 should enable a better utilisation of research infrastructures by projects funded under other themes, including Partnerships, Missions and the implementation of Data Spaces 
  4. FP10 should provide more fit-for-purpose funding mechanisms for research infrastructures

ELIXIR is an active participant in Horizon Europe, the current EU framework programme for research, as well as the Digital Europe and EU4Health programmes. 

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