Survey to Nodes on the ELIXIR Collaboration Agreement Template

The ELIXIR Hub has prepared this survey to capture the feedback from our Nodes, in order to bring the feedback to consideration by the ELIXIR Board at the April 2018 Board meeting, and to ask the Board to assess the possibility of updating the Collaboration Agreement template and the Annexes related to it.


The Collaboration Agreement template was approved by the ELIXIR Board in April 2014. Annex 2 to the template is “Commissioned Services Contract” and the ELIXIR Hub uses a template for Commissioned Services contracts for negotiations with the Nodes. In the past Commissioned Services occurred through different programmes, first Pilot Actions and later on until today Implementation Studies, which last maximum 18 months. The Guidelines of pre-financing of Implementation Studies were approved by the ELIXIR Board in April 2016. This allowed the ELIXIR Board to approve the first Commissioned Services Contracts in April 2016. The first Service Delivery Plans were approved in November 2016.

We have so far concluded 15 Collaboration Agreements, 11 Service Delivery Plans, and a total of 86 Commissioned Services Contracts with 15 Nodes. Thus, the ELIXIR Hub considers it to be a good time to assess if these agreements are fit for purpose and assess the practicalities of administrative steps taken to conclude Commissioned Services Contracts.


One submission per Node is expected. Deadline 13 April.

Funding opportunities and the ELIXIR Collaboration Agreement

The ELIXIR Hub discovered a few gaps in the current version of the Collaboration Agreement template:

  1. it does not consider Nodes in their possible function as Linked Third Parties to grants. Therefore Nodes in such capacity are required to sign a separate liability agreement with the ELIXIR Hub; and
  2. it does not provide a clear enough legal link between the ELIXIR Hub and the members of the Nodes, particularly when taking part in large EC grants (i.e INFRAEOSC-4, EJP Rare Diseases, INFRADEV-3).
Is there additional need for support from the Project Management Unit when entering grants that is not yet sufficiently covered? If so, what kind of support will be required?