Basic information Event name Your name Location Country, city. Location specifics e.g. near a motorway, railway station, city centre. Start date Start time End date End time Timezone - Select -CET/CESTGMT/BSTEET Logistics Is the meeting F2F, virtual or hybrid? - Select -F2FVirtualHybrid Will you share the speaker slides with attendees or the public? Yes No The purpose of sharing the slides Documenting and promoting purpose - sharing PPT with the attendees for personal use and/or social media Sharing PDF version of the slides with the event attendees Presentation being published on specific platform (Zenodo etc) Presentation being published on ELIXIR website Other Other Will you need to record the presentations? Yes No The purpose of the recording Documenting and promotional purpose Recording to be shared with the attendees for personal use Recording to be shared by project consortium members for personal use Other Other Number of people expected - Select -23456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 31-3536-4041-4546-5050+ Please specify the number Is the number of people estimated or fixed? Estimated Fixed Number of meeting rooms required Meeting room setup - Select -No preferenceBoard roomBooth onlyCabaretClassroomTheatreU-shape/Semi circle What AV equipment is needed (please specify by meeting room)? e.g. projector, microphone, flipchart. What catering is required, including coffee breaks, lunch and dinner? Do you need to book accommodation? - Select -YesNo How many bedrooms will you need? Agenda link Link URL Informed local contact Does this event require an online feedback form? Yes No Admin Cost centre - Select -60159 - All Hands Meeting60024 - Biohackathon60161 - IAC Meeting60162 - SAB Meeting60163 - Board Meeting60164 - HoN Retreat60171 - Data Platform Meeting60172 - Compute Platform Meeting60173 - Training Platform Meeting60174 - Interoperability Platform Meeting60175 - Tools Platform Meeting60166 - Communities60127 - Conference60129 - BY-COVID60157 - STEERS60149 - GDI60195 - EOSC-ENTRUST Budget - Select -Core budgetProject budgetTechnical budget Tagged budget manager Tagged budget manager 2 Visibility on the website - Select -PublicIntranet members onlyNot visible Impact Which of these options most closely matches the purpose of the event (select one)? - Select -Knowledge-exchange and collaboration (incl. training and industry engagement)Strategic discussionsGovernance relatedUpdate, progress monitoring and planningPromotion, outreach, communicationDisseminating service-related knowledgeOther Please specify Admin use only