Legal review survey

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  • Legal model
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As part of the review of ELIXIR’s legal model and as required under the EXCELERATE project, a survey of Member States’ views will be carried out. The results of this survey will be shared with the legal firm appointed to carry out the review, the members of the ELIXIR’s Legal Review Working Group (including the ELIXIR Hub members on the Working Group) and the ELIXIR Board, but will otherwise be confidential and never made public beyond those groups. When shared within these groups the responses will never indicate the individual that made the submission, but the country of submission will be known.

The results of the survey will be used to:

  1. Help the appointed law firm:
    • to evaluate ELIXIR’s current legal framework considering
      • its characteristics and long term sufficiency for the infrastructure;
      • the characteristics of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (“ERIC”), a legal framework based on a EU Regulation;
    • to highlight how the current legal model could be improved and whether improvements would only be possible by changing the legal model entirely;
    • if improvements to the current legal model or even a change of legal model are suggested, to understand the cost and efforts that are required to implement these improvements or change entirely.
  2. Help the ELIXIR Hub to evaluate ELIXIR’s governance and internal operation (e.g. operation of the ELIXIR Board) and assess whether improvements can be made without needing to change the current model. Section V contains questions relating to this aspect.

In the first instance, the survey should be completed by the Administrative Delegate of each ELIXIR Member and Observer State. The survey will take around 30 minutes to complete.

You can save a draft and return to the form later by clicking the 'Save' button at the bottom of any page. This gives you a unique link to return to. Please bear in mind that the link changes each time you save.

A pdf showing all sections and questions in one go is available here (opens a new tab).

When preparing responses, it may also be helpful to refer to the FAQs on ELIXIR’s legal model (opens a new tab).