EXCELERATE WP10: Node Capacity Building Programme

WP leaders: Jiří Vondrášek (CZ) and Bengt Persson (SE)

The ELIXIR Nodes are at very different levels of maturity, ranging from national infrastructures that have existed for over a decade or more to newly formed consortia.  The ELIXIR Capacity Building Programme focuses on knowledge transfer between ELIXIR’s larger and more established Nodes, and from them to newer or smaller ELIXIR Nodes in less research-intensive areas of the EU.

The Work Package will: 

  • Implement a programme of organisational capacity building in newly formed ELIXIR Nodes (including sharing of best practice in accessing EU Structural Funds (ESIF) for research infrastructures
  • Create an ELIXIR-wide Genome Annotation Network through competence-spreading advanced workshops and staff exchanges
  • Construct and coordinate ELIXIR-wide ‘communities of practice’ that support and develop the professionals who deliver advanced data and bioinformatics support and services in ELIXIR Nodes
  • Establish a network of Data Nodes (Nodes with large data collections and databases with established ways of data deposition and curation) to enable scalable data storage and their transferability by means of standardised formats