4000 Brussels
A one day vocabulary workshop organised by ELIXIR, BioMedBridges and RDA is taking place on Thursday 16 October 2014 in Brussels, one day before the collocated RDA Europe Workshop about Data Sharing and Interoperability.
The workshop is taking place to agree on a common vocabulary to classify resources in the life sciences domain like databases, tools, courses, training materials, meetings, jobs and publications.
We welcome representatives of societies, networks, institutes, organisations, research infrastructures and projects interested in using a common vocabulary to classify resources in the life science domain. We will involve and welcome ontologists to assist the discussion.
Service providers and registries use different vocabularies to classify resources. From the user point of view, a common ontology would enhance the ability to find related resources of interest. From the provider point of view, a common ontology would be an important step to facilitate the interoperability of existing resources.
To confirm your attendance at this workshop, please complete your details at the following form by end of September latest.Outcomes
We hope delegates will undertake one or more of the following:
Collaboratively develop a common vocabulary of general topics in biological and biomedical science and bioinformatics
Use the vocabulary for annotation of their own resources
Support the vocabulary within their own software systems, e.g. for purposes of annotation and search / browsing
Promote the use of this vocabulary within their infrastructure, institute, project etc
To attend this event BioMedBridges will cover project partners, while other participants will receive accommodation covered by ELIXIR.
Overview of the workshop aims and drivers
5’ optional lightning talks from participants presenting services
Presentation and review of a mapping analysis of topics collected from providers and registries (Cath Brooksbank and Jon Ison)
Agreement of a root ontology based on a proposal coming from the mapping analysis
Group sessions to discuss the organisation/structure of topics branches
Reporting and agreement of a community topics ontology
Group discussions about adoption, maintenance and further steps.
Brainstorming on resources and funding to sustain adoption and maintenance.
Discussion about minimum metadata and contextualising resources in the life sciences domain like databases, tools, courses, training materials, meetings, jobs and publications (Susanna-Assunta Sansone and Manuel Corpas)
Organisers and sponsors
Carole Goble - University of Manchester
Cath Brooksbank - EMBL-EBI
Francis Rowland - EMBL-EBI
Heinz Stockinger - SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Helen Parkinson - EMBL-EBI
Herve Menager - Instute Pasteur
Jon Ison - EMBL-EBI
Manuel Corpas - TGAC
Rafael C Jimenez - ELIXIR
Rob Hooft - DTLS
Susanna Sansone - University of Oxford
Stephanie Suhr - BMB
Terri Attwood - University of Manchester
Vassilios Ioannidis - SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics