Structural funds workshop at ELIXIR All-hands meeting in Rome


Dear structural funds mailing list members, 

It is my pleasure to invite you for a third workshop on structural funds within EXCELERATE project, which is part of the ELIXIR All-hands meeting in Rome.

WHEN: Wednesday, 22nd March 2016, 17:30 – 19:00

WHERE: Rome, Barcelo Aran Mategna hotel, room 5

Registration link:…

Please make sure you register for the All-hands meeting itself as well! Deadline for Registration is 16th March.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Overview of developments in EC level
  • Tour de table state of play at different nodes how they are involved in structural funds
  • Presentations from nodes – best practices, issues of interest (volunteers needed)
  • Moderated discussion on selected topics – suggestions are welcome
  • Ideas for future activities, e.g. raising visibility of some issues in Brussels with EC, participation in Open Days, …

Meeting chair: Ondrej Hradil, ELIXIR CZ

Best regards

Ondrej Hradil

Task leader of T10.5