In the course of the first ELIXIR, implementation study devoted to proteomics related infrastructure (a collaboration between EMBL-EBI and ELIXIR-Germany) a strategic workshop entitled "The future of proteomics in ELIXIR" will be held in Tübingen, Germany on 1-2 March 2017, to discuss the common infrastructures and services needed by the European proteomics community.
Short Abstract & Description of Goals
In the context of ELIXIR, the main goal of the workshop is to identify the main needs of the proteomics community (at different levels) with regards to life science computing related infrastructure, including among others topics, public databases, data standards, open analysis tools and cloud-based solutions.
In the fast moving field of computational services, it is of utmost importance to keep emerging needs, developments, and investments aligned and prevent dead-end developments. The workshop will give us the opportunity to get an update on current developments and plans, and to provide an initial forum for providing feedback to the ELIXIR management.
In addition, other more general needs (in the wider context of ELIXIR) could be outlined in the context of e.g. multi-omics data integration.
As a result, we will write a white paper describing the needs and a plan to implement the required infrastructure and services.
Formal invitation with a programme and venue directions to follow.
Organisers: Mathias Walzer (ELIXIR Germany), Juan A. Vizcaíno (EMBL-EBI) and Oliver Kohlbacher (ELIXIR – Germany)