Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
The course is aimed at life scientists who have already produced RNA-seq data, or that are planning to perform RNA-seq experiments and want to learn the best practice to analyze these type of data. The course will be held in english and it will last four days. It will consist of theoretical lessons and practical exercises on transcriptome assembly, structural and functional annotation and differential expression analysis.
In particular, the course is addressed to researchers who are working or are planning to work on RNA-seq data from non-model species and will be focused on the Trinity software suite for the de novo transcriptome assembly and analysis. It will be delivered by the lead developer of the Trinity software Dr. Brian Haas (the Broad Institute, USA) and by tutors from the University of Naples Federico II and the National Research Council.
Participants are expected to have basic understanding of the BASH command line and the Linux operative system. Participants with limited UNIX/Linux experience will be provided with basic understanding of the command-line operations on the first day of the course. The participants are invited to bring their own laptops and should be preferentially able to connect to EDUROAM WIFI network (ask your IT department; if you are not affiliated with a participating institution, please let us know in advance).
The deadline for application: 1 May 2016