RDM training annotation: strategies for improved curation in TeSS


TeSS, the ELIXIR Training Portal, is used by over 100 content providers from all 23 ELIXIR Nodes and various collaborators outside the ELIXIR network. With a vast repository of 2,772 training materials and nearly 9,000 registered events, the use of controlled vocabulary is crucial for filtering, finding and reusing content effectively.

Several projects and ELIXIR members have been actively working to:

  1. Add terminologies to the EDAM ontology for curating training materials in TeSS
  2. Share best practices for training annotation

With over 500 RDM-related training materials in TeSS, effective curation is essential for enhancing visibility within ELIXIR and beyond, including integration with resources like the RDMkit. Therefore, the topic of training curation is both relevant and timely.

Who should attend

This workshop is designed for individuals who

  • Curate or add RDM training to TeSS, the ELIXIR Training Portal, or would like to start adding their training
  • Have an interest in training curation
  • Possess knowledge of training annotation best practices.

What to expect

The RDM Training Network, a subgroup of the ELIXIR RDM Community, invites the research community to join us for this engaging session. Whether you are part of ELIXIR or just curious about this session, we are seeking individuals who are interested in:

  • Annotating their RDM training materials to boost discoverability
  • Contributing ideas to enhance RDM training curation best practices
  • Sharing user experience challenges and suggestions

Join us to collaborate, share insights, and improve the curation of RDM training materials. Your participation will help us ensure that TeSS remains a valuable resource for the research community.

Federico Bianchini
Alexander Botzki
ELIXIR Belgium


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