Launch event for ELIXIR Italy in Bologna

Accademia delle Scienze
Via Zamboni 31
40126 Bologna BO

The launch event of the Joint Research Unit ELIXIR-IIB (Infrastruttura Italiana di Bioinformatica), which forms the ELIXIR Italian Node, will take at the University of Bologna on 23 November 2016 

During the morning session, the scientific issues linked to “Big Data” in biology and the main research functions and facilities of ELIXIR and ELIXIR-IIB will be described by their respective directors Niklas Blomberg and Graziano Pesole, and researchers involved in the activities.

During the afternoon, two round tables will extend the research support policy towards ELIXIR and analyze the main areas of activity of ELIXIR-IIB. See the agenda for full details.

Event page: