Galaxy community kickoff meeting and Galaxy User Conference


Lecture Hall, Otto-Krayer-Haus
Albertstraße 25
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau

The ELIXIR Galaxy community will have a kickoff meeting in 14-16th March 2018, in Freiburg/Germany. We will combine this with a Galaxy User Conference and the official launch of the server.

This event will also be coordinated with the EMBL in Australia to also launch at the same time.

The Wednesday (14th) will be dedicated to the ELIXIR Galaxy communtiy, to discuss and plan our roadmap in 2018 and 2019. Thursday and Friday (15th, 16th) will be a conference where Galaxy users talk about their research and use-cases. However, a few spots we will reserved for official talks from ELIXIR.

Please register here:

See you all in Freiburg!