Galaxy Community Conference 2015 test


The Sainsbury Laboratory
United Kingdom

The annual Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) brings together researchers, developers and administrators working with the Galaxy platform. The 2015 edition of the conference is hosted by the The Sainsbury Lab, Norwich UK; the programme features presentations, poster sessions, exhibition, networking events as well as hackathons and Training Days. ELIXIR is one of the conference's sponsors and will present its activities at the conference exhibition.

Time Title People Document
to A galaxy metagenomic workflow for reference-tree based phylogenetic placement (MG-RTPP)
to Welcome and Opening
to Galaxy flavours – shipped by a whale
to Modeling molecular heterogeneity between individuals and single cells
to Galaxy as backend for TraIT genotype to phenotype studies
to Galaxy Interactive Environments – a new way to interact with your data
to Galaxy Interactive Environments – a new way to interact with your data
Time Title People Document
to A galaxy metagenomic workflow for reference-tree based phylogenetic placement (MG-RTPP)
to Welcome and Opening
to Galaxy flavours – shipped by a whale
to Modeling molecular heterogeneity between individuals and single cells
to Galaxy as backend for TraIT genotype to phenotype studies
to Galaxy Interactive Environments – a new way to interact with your data
to Galaxy Interactive Environments – a new way to interact with your data