ELIXIR is a case study in the RI-PATHS project


United Kingdom

Note: links have been removed from this page because the original RI-PATHS website is no longer available.

The aim of the RI-PATHS (Research Infrastructure imPact Assessment PaTHways) project is to develop a model describing the socio-economic impact of research infrastructures and their related financial investments. ELIXIR will be one of several case studies to pilot the approach developed during the project.

The RI-PATHS team is kindly inviting the research infrastructure stakeholder community to take part in the refinement and substantiation of the socio-economic impact assessment model that the project team is currently developing. The aim is to generate a shared understanding of when, how and under what conditions investments in research infrastructures bring about various types of impacts. At the same time, workshop participants will be asked to focus on establishing the largest common denominator of what impact pathways are the most relevant and feasible to account for in an impact assessment. Further details about the workshop hosted by ELIXIR on 4 December 2018 (Cambridge, UK) are available [link removed as it is no longer availabe], including how to register.

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