World Forum
Churchillplein 10
2517 JW The Hague
On 3-7 September 2016 the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences, the BioSB research school and ELIXIR will jointly organise the fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Computational Biology in association with the Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam and the Delft University of Technology. The ECCB 2016 will take place in the historic city of The Hague in the Netherlands.
It is the main computational event in 2016 and will welcome scientists working in a variety of disciplines, including bioinformatics, computational biology, biology, medicine, and systems biology. Participating in ECCB 2016 will be the perfect opportunity to keep pace with cutting edge research, and to network with members of ECCB community.
ELIXIR was co-sponsoring partner of the conference. We were at exhibition booth 15.
ELIXIR Application talks
Monday, 5 September, 11.30-12.30
ELIXIR – Human Genomics and translational data
- ET01 – Services for the use of human data in cross-border research collaborations
Antti Pursula, Maria Francesca Iozzi, Niclas Jareborg and Ali Syed - ET02 – Integrating Oncotrack and TraIT workflows with EGA to store and reference Human Data
J. Dylan Spalding, David Henderson, Reha Yildirimman, Sanne Abeln, Susanna Repo, Niklas Blomberg, Alexander Senf, Jeff Almeida-King, Jordi Rambla, Audald Lloret I Villas, Chao Zhang, Jochem Bijlard, Youri Hoogstrate, Remond Fijneman, Andrew P. Stubbs, Jan-Willem Boiten, Gerrit Meijer and Helen Parkinson - ET03 – NGS-Logistics: federated analysis of NGS sequence variants across multiple locations
Amin Ardeshirdavani, Erika Souche, Luc Dehaspe, Jeroen Van Houdt, Joris Vermeesch and Yves Moreau
Monday, 5 September, 15.30-16.30
ELIXIR – Data resources
- ET04 – Marine metagenomics infrastructure as driver for research and industrial innovation
Nils Peder Willassen, Robert D. Finn, Guy Cochrane, Lars Ailo Bongo and Petra Ten Hoopen - ET05 – Reference Proteomes,Pan Proteomes and Redundant Proteomes: concepts that define protein space in UniProtKB
Benoit Bely, Ramona Britto, Borisas Bursteinas, Alan Wilter Sousa Da Silva, Andrea Auchincloss, Chuming Chen, Maria Martin and Uniprot
Consortium - ET06 – Identifying ELIXIR Core Data Resources
Christine Durinx, Jo McEntyre, Ron Appel, Rolf Apweiler, Mary Barlow, Niklas Blomberg, Chuck Cook, Elisabeth Gasteiger, Vassilios Ioannidis, JeeHyub Kim, Rodrigo Lopez, Nicole Redaschi, Heinz Stockinger, Daniel Teixeira and Alfonso Valencia
Tuesday, 6 September, 11.30-12.30
ELIXIR – Tools for data analysis
- ET07 – The Genomic HyperBrowser
Boris Simovski, Finn Drabløs, Sveinung Gundersen, Morten Johansen, Diana Domanska, Abdulrahman Azab, Geir Kjetil Sandve and Eivind Hovig - ET08 – Chipster – comprehensive package of NGS data analysis tools and reference data, with an intuitive GUI
Eija Korpelainen, Taavi Hupponen, Petri Klemelä, Maria Lehtivaara, Kimmo Mattila, Ari-Matti Saren and Aleksi Kallio - ET09 – An application suite based on the IFB Container as a Service platform
François Moreews, Olivier Sallou and Olivier Collin
Tuesday, 6 September, 15.30-16.30
ELIXIR National collaborations, international standards
- ET10 – Fostering excellence in data science to support progress in biological research and health at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the Swiss Node of ELIXIR
Ioannis Xenarios, Christine Durinx and Ron Appel - ET11 – The BioSharing Registry: mapping the landscape of standards and database resources in the life sciences
Peter Mcquilton, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Massimiliano Izzo, Allyson Lister, Eamonn Maguire, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Milo Thurston and
Susanna-Assunta Sansone - ET12 – Using FAIR data to solve cross-resource questions in Rare Disease research
Mark Thompson, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Pedro Sernadela, Robert Reihs, Davide Piscia, Kees Burger, Andrew Gibson, Claudio Carta, Marco Crimi, Heimo Müller, Arnold Kuzniar, Anand Gavai, Richard Finkers, Sergi Beltran, J. L. Oliveira, Barend Mons, Marco Roos, Mark D. Wilkinson and Luiz Bonino