European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) 2016


World Forum
Churchillplein 10
2517 JW The Hague

On 3-7 September 2016 the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences, the BioSB research school and ELIXIR will jointly organise the fifteenth edition of the European Conference on Computational Biology in association with the Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam and the Delft University of Technology. The ECCB 2016 will take place in the historic city of The Hague in the Netherlands.

It is the main computational event in 2016 and will welcome scientists working in a variety of disciplines, including bioinformatics, computational biology, biology, medicine, and systems biology. Participating in ECCB 2016 will be the perfect opportunity to keep pace with cutting edge research, and to network with members of ECCB community.

ELIXIR was co-sponsoring partner of the conference. We were at exhibition booth 15. 

Photos from the conference

ELIXIR Application talks


Monday, 5 September, 11.30-12.30

ELIXIR – Human Genomics and translational data

Monday, 5 September, 15.30-16.30

ELIXIR – Data resources

Tuesday, 6 September, 11.30-12.30

ELIXIR – Tools for data analysis

Tuesday, 6 September, 15.30-16.30

ELIXIR National collaborations, international standards