ELIXIR Webinar: The ELIXIR Core Data Resources - selection process and outcomes


This summer saw the publication of the first list of ELIXIR Core Data Resources - data resources of fundamental importance to the life science community and the long-term preservation of biological data.  As part of this process, ELIXIR also compiled a list of databases that it recommends for the deposition of experimental data. The purpose of this list is to provide guidance to journals and funders on the appropriate repositories in which to publish open data in the life sciences. 

The webinar will describe the framework for the selection of the ELIXIR Core Data Resources and Deposition Databases, themes that developed during the selection process, and the next steps for the future development of this work.

ELIXIR Webinars usually take place every third Wednesday of the month 15.00 CEST and are open for anyone to join. Upcoming webinars.