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The 21st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2022) has the theme "Planetary Health and Biodiversity". This year the conference runs 12 - 21 September and is organised by the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB/ELIXIR-ES) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
Talk from the ELIXIR Director, Niklas Blomberg
The ELIXIR track
- 12 - 16 September: online workshops
- 18 - 21 September: a four-day conference, with keynote speakers, talks, posters and workshops
ELIXIR will be present at this year's ECCB conference with the ELIXIR Communities Track on Monday and Tuesday 19 - 20 September, and workshops on Sunday 18 September.
You can find details about the conference, including how to register, on the ECCB 2022 website.
Programme for the ELIXIR track
ELIXIR Workshop
- FAIR applied: a practical FAIRification guide for life science data from FAIRplus
Tony Burdett, Ibrahim Emam, Nick Juty, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Danielle Welter and Fuqi XuMore information can be found here.
ELIXIR Session 1
- Identifying resources and exploring synergies between the ELIXIR 3D-Bioinfo, Proteomics and IDP Communities
Emmanuel Levy, Christine Orengo, Nathalie Reuter, Sameer Velankar, Shoshana Wodak, Norman Davey, Zsuzsa Dosztanyi, Damiano Piovesan, Silvio Tosatto, Eva Csosz, Julien Marcoux, Lennart Martens, Pathmanaban Ramasamy, Juan Antonio Vizcaino, Massimiliano Bonomi and Wim Vranken - Using the IDP-KG to enable IDPcentral information on submission
Alasdair Gray, Ivan Mičetić, Damiano Piovesan and Alexander Monzon - AHoJ: rapid, tailored search and retrieval of apo and holo protein structures
Christos P. Feidakis, Radoslav Krivak, David Hoksza and Marian Novotný
ELIXIR Session 2
- Open source genome-scale metabolic models: why and how
Mihail Anton, Barbara Szomolay and Vitor A P Martins dos Santos - Genome-wide metabolic annotation for Methanocaldococcus (Methanococcus) jannaschii, the first member of the Archaea to be sequenced a quarter of a century ago
Ismini Baltsavia, George Stamoulos, Konstantinos Tziavara, Alexandros Dermaris, Ioannis Iliopoulos, Ron Caspi, Peter D. Karp, Nikos C. Kyrpides and Christos A. Ouzounis - Rare disease specific FAIR Maturity Indicators
Núria Queralt Rosinach, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Annika Jacobsen, Mark Wilkinson, Marc Hanauer and Marco Roos
ELIXIR Session 3
- Setting the scene: Beyond COVID-19 - European preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks
Katharina Lauer - Pathogen Data Sharing and Workflows at the ENA
Colman O’Cathail (EBI/COVID19 Data Portal) - Using COVID-19 data genomics and sharing to set a new future standard
Bas Oude Munnink (Erasmus MC/VEO) - Fully transparent viral genomics data analysis and sharing for everyone using public infrastructure
Wolfgang Maier (Universitaet Freiburg/Galaxy)
ELIXIR Session 4
- The ELIXIR Machine Learning Focus Group: achievements and the road ahead
Silvio Tosatto and Fotis Psomopoulos - ELIXIR Biodiversity Community - "Biodiversity data” aims and challenges
Toni Gabaldón, Josephine Burgin and Robert Waterhouse - Federated EGA (title tbc)
Jordi Rambla
Submit your abstract to the ELIXIR Communities Track
Track chair: Katharina Heil, ELIXIR
We invite submissions of abstracts to the ELIXIR Communities Track at ECCB2022. The aim of the ELIXIR Communities Track is to showcase the latest outputs and services emerging from ELIXIR’s Communities.
Submissions are open to ELIXIR Community members. They should highlight services and activities of the ELIXIR Community.
Presentations should be 15 minutes and will be followed by a maximum of five-minute discussions. Presenters are encouraged to demonstrate concrete services and outputs and show clearly the benefit of their resource or activity to the ECCB audience.
Accepted submissions will be presented in one of the four ELIXIR Communities Track sessions at the conference.
Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to publish their presentations on the ELIXIR F1000Research Gateway.
- Call opens: 16 May 2022
- Call closes: 29 May 2022
- Authors will be notified of acceptance by 2 June 2022.
Review Criteria
All submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Relevance, interest, and value of the topic to conference attendees.
- Relevance to the overall themes of ECCB2022: Data, Genome, Genes, Proteins, Systems.
- Relevance to ELIXIR activities.
The ultimate decision of acceptance for an ELIXIR Communities Track lies with the Track Chair and ELIXIR Programme Committee. Accepted presenters are required to deliver the presentation themselves, and must register to attend the conference.
- For the ELIXIR Communities Track:
- For general questions about the conference: