ELIXIR 3D BioInfo Community F2F/hybrid meeting


Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC)

The ELIXIR 3D BioInfo Community F2F/hybrid meeting takes place from Wednesday 19th March to Friday 21st March, 2025. This meeting is planned as a hybrid meeting, with the F2F component in Barcelona, Spain.

The meeting is part of a larger event, coordinated jointly with the 3D-SIG Structural Bioinformatics Community of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).

Structural bioinformatics is undergoing a fast transformation with major breakthroughs from experimental methods such as cryo-electron microscopy to disruptive and transformative new approaches in computational prediction methods based on AI and machine learning.

We aim to bring together structural bioinformatics researchers from two communities, 3D-BioInfo and 3D-SIG, for networking and to exchange ideas on the workflows and resources needed to exploit the transformative new developments in the data and methods. We will learn about devising strategies for integrating predicted data and benchmarking the prediction tools.

The 3D-SIG ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) Community in Structural Bioinformatics covers the same broad research themes as 3D-BioInfo and is a Community of Scientific Interest (COSI) within the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). It hosts a scientific track within the ISCB’s annual conference and organises webinars some of which are joint with 3D-BioInfo.

The ELIXIR Community brings together researchers working in a range of bioinformatics and computational themes and is supporting infrastructure developments, tools and resources across the country.

More information can be found: 

Important dates and deadlines

For more details and ongoing updates check the events page. 

  • Registration open    10 Nov 2024
  • Deadline for submission of abstracts for lectures    15 December 2024
  • Deadline for submission of abstracts for posters    see ISCB page 
  • Deadline for registration and payment    1st March 2025


katharina.heil@elixir-europe.com & event organisers as indicated on the events page.