DOME is a set of community-wide guidelines, recommendations and checklists, spanning these four areas (Data, Optimization, Model and Evaluation in Machine Learning) aiming to help establish standards of supervised machine learning validation in biology. The work was initially published in 2021 with more details on the DOME-ML page. This activity is part of the Machine Learning Focus Group |
Webinar Programme
- Welcome
- What are the DOME recommendations? (Fotis Psomopoulos and Barbara Szomolay)
- What is the DOME registry? (Silvio Tosatto)
- DOME use beyond ELIXIR - GigaScience (Scott C Edmunds)
- Final Q&A
The recording of this event is available on the ELIXIR Europe Youtube channel along with others in the ELIXIR Webinar series.
Fotis Psomopoulos (Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)))
Barbara Szomolay (Cardiff University)
Silvio Tosatto (University of Padua (UNIPD))
Damiano Piovesan (University of Padua (UNIPD))
Chris Hunter (GigaScience)