BioSB course Protein Structures: production, prowess, power, promises, and problems (3rd edition)


Center for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI)
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre / NCMLS

The BioSB Education Programme organises the 3rd edition of its Protein Structure training course. The course is suitable for PhD students working in structural bioinformatics as well as those in life sciences interested in using structural information in their research. The course will be split in three parts:

  • Part 1) Looking and seeing things in protein structures, learning to operate the software, understanding some of the algorithms.
  • Part 2) Protein structure determination (prediction) with NMR, X-ray, and homology modelling, and the possibilities and problems that come with each of these three techniques.
  • Part 3) Applying all that was learned in real-life example studies.


About BioSB Education Programme

This course is part of the Education Programme of BioSB, the Netherlands Bioinformatics and Systems Biology research school, which offers training and education for in bioinformatics and systems biology. More information about BioSB can be found at