5th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference



ELIXIR Denmark is sponsoring and organising the 5th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference, to be held on August 22-23, 2019, in Odense, Denmark.

The two-day meeting provides attendees with opportunities to share and discuss their latest findings, and learn about the newest national and international developments within Selection in genomes, Personalised medicine and systems biology, Computational Mass spectronomy and proteomics, Single cell bioinformatics, Integration of  Omics data for molecular and personalized medicine, Population genomics, Machine and deep learning and RNA and genomics.

The following speakers already confirmed their participation:

  • Pam Wiener, The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh (Selection in genomes)
  • Henning Hermjakob, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK (Personlised medicine and systems biology)
  • Parag Mallick, Stanford University, US (Computational Mass spectronomy and proteomics)
  • Gokcen Eraslan, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, US (Single cell bioinformatics)
  • Manja Marz, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, DE  (RNA and genomics)
  • David Jones, University College London, UK (Machine and deep learning)

​For more information and registration please visit ELIXIR Denmark: www.elixir-denmark.org