3D-BioInfo 2021 Annual Meeting


The 3D-BioInfo Community Annual Meeting Agenda is now available.

ELIXIR Communities enable the participation of communities of practice in different areas of the life sciences in the activities of ELIXIR, which underpin the evolution of a data, tools, interoperability, compute and training infrastructure for European life science informatics. Visit the ELIXIR Communities website for more details.

Structural bioinformatics has a broad impact across the life sciences and provides tools to archive, visualise, analyse, annotate, and predict molecular structures.

Structural bioinformatics is traditionally very strong in Europe offering many software tools, methodologies, and databases, as well as community-wide prediction challenges. Its applications cover research activities from structural biology to drug discovery and personalised medicine that are all well represented within the national ELIXIR nodes.

The meeting will be virtual this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Details of a Zoom link will be sent closer to the time. 

Submission of abstracts for posters is encouraged, as researchers with accepted posters will be offered the opportunity to pre-record short talks for their poster.

Authors of selected poster talks will be invited to give longer talks during the main meeting sessions.

To find out more about the 3D-BioInfo Community, please visit the website.

Overview of Programme:

The meeting will start with a brief overview of the aims of the 3DBioInfo Community. This will be followed by Breakout sessions for each of the major 3D-BioInfo Activities described below. These breakout sessions will be held sequentially, allowing participants to attend any number of sessions they want.

Next will come a Plenary session, at which coordinators of the different Activities will present their reports.

Some slots for short presentations and posters will be available for some of the activities. If you are interested in contributing, please submit an abstract together with your application. Abstracts shall be submitted as a pdf document, maximum of one page; text, including references/figure if desired. 

The application deadline is: 27th September (for poster/short talk) and 1st November (for attendance only).

Or you can send an email to our Communities Coordinator Katharina Heil: katharina.heil@elixir-europe.org.

All sessions and talks will be recorded, with the recordings made available to meeting attendees after the event. If you prefer not to be recorded then please let us know.

