Draft Meeting Feedback Form (2022)


The ELIXIR Node Collaboration Agreement (CA) calls for the establishment of an Oversight Group to annually review the position of the Node, to identify areas of concern or consider how the Node might develop in the future. The focus is on those services included in the Node Service Delivery Plan (Annex 1) and Commissioned Services specified in the Annex 2 of the CA. This form is an attempt to capture such information and may contribute to further discussions.  

Please note; this form can be saved and completed at a later date. There will be an opportunity to preview the form prior to submission.

Responses from Collaboration Agreement Oversight (COG) form 2018 can be found here.

The Collaboration Agreement asks the Node to implement an internal quality assurance mechanism.
Please outline the current position:
Longterm sustainability
Are there any financial issues regarding the sustainability of the Node and associated Services that cause concern?
Regarding the implementation of the ELIXIR ELSI Policy
The ELIXIR ELSI Policy (opens a new tab) applies to Node-funded services. Are there any aspects of this Policy that are particularly challenging to implement and where an ELIXIR-wide action (training, joint policy actions, etc.) would be useful?
Regarding the implementation of the ELIXIR Equal Opportunity Strategy
Please indicate the current position:
ELIXIR encourage each Node to adopt the recommendations in the ELIXIR Equal Opportunities Strategy (opens a new tab)
Node Services
If not, please identify those services that need updating
If not, please inform the appropriate person for that service of the need Terms of Use.
Do the Node Services follow the Sustainable Software Development process?
See the F1000 paper (opens a new tab).
Node Commissioned Services (Implementation Studies)
The expectation is not for the Node to update the information in the linked sheet at this point. For those projects that are making good progress there may be nothing further to add. Completed studies or those still in preparation need not be considered. Please also comment if you find the linked sheets useful as these are still developing and any feedback would be helpful.
Please see the EMBL-FI Implementation Studies Sheet for a summary of all studies for which ELIXIR-FI receive funding.

The linked sheet is for your information, it is a live document, updated from a number of sources to provide a snapshot of the current situation.
Final Comments
Also any comments regarding this Oversight process.