CoS Project Plan Preparation

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Alternatively please make a copy of this template (opens a new tab) and fill in accordingly.
Please give details of all participants using a new section for each.
Work Package 1
A descriptive title, 12 words maximum
Name of lead or co-leads (number of PM assigned each year) A new line for each additional person
Name of participant (number of PM assigned each year) A new line for each additional person
A description of the work, broken down into tasks if appropriate. (300 words max,)
Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Deliverable 1
Deliverable 2
Deliverable 3
Impact of the Proposed Study
How information / achievements to be disseminated
Talk to Corinne
Questions from other templates
Table, inc. link to Gantt chart. Information already captured above, set out in different format (M&D)
The budget to be filled in only after resource allocation in PMs has been agreed with ELIXIR Director.
Possibly not necessary on this form (req Hub input or comes later in the process)