EXCELERATE WP7: Integrating Genomic and Phenotypic Data for Crop and Forest Plants

WP leaders: Cyril Pommier (FR) and Celia Miguel (PT)

The main objective of WP7 is to design and test an infrastructure to allow genotype-phenotype analysis for crop and forest plants based on the widest available public datasets.  The specific objectives for WP7 are:

  • Make data interoperable (in line with the ‘FAIR’ principles specified in WP5 Interoperability) and discoverable through controlled vocabularies and standardised phenotypic APIs through which any participant can advertise the availability of their data
  • Annotate and submit key exemplar datasets to relevant public archives
  • Engage industry in defining priorities in genotype/phenotype annotations
  • Within the Training platform, deliver specific training for the use of developed resources

See also the Plant Community page.