WP1: Tools Interoperability and Service Registry

WP leaders: Søren Brunak (DK) and Alfonso Valencia (ES)

The cornerstone of the platform is the ELIXIR Tools and Data Services Registry, a discovery portal for a wide range of key bioinformatics resources. 

The registry is curated through a series of community-driven hackathons, knowledge exchange workshops and cross-domain strategy workshops.

All activities, including intensive user support and community benchmarking, are focused on delivering impact for end-users across academia, health organisations, and industry.

See also the Tools Platform.

WP2: Benchmarking

WP leaders: Alfonso Valencia (ES) and Søren Brunak (DK)

The focus of the Benchmarking work package is on assessing bioinformatics methods in terms of quantitative performance and user friendliness. The partners at the participating Nodes will:

  • Organise and support relations to biology and medicine communities already running benchmarking exercises
  • Develop and maintain a generic infrastructure for benchmarking exercises in different subareas
  • Develop the technology to perform online, uninterrupted methods assessment in key areas of bioinformatics
  • Develop and implement data warehouse infrastructures to store benchmarking results and make them accessible to developers for subsequent transfer to the ELIXIR registry
  • Develop the procedures to create standards for benchmarking in different areas
  • Organise workshops, hackathons and jamborees for different user communities

See also the Tools Platform.