EXCELERATE WP12: Excellence in ELIXIR Management and Operations

WP Leader: Niklas Blomberg (ELIXIR Hub)

The WP addresses quality management, risk management, and service sustainability and aims to ensure the delivery of long-term, mission-critical services of high quality.

The goals of the work package are:

  • To coordinate ELIXIR-EXCELERATE project management with risk assessment and quality control to ensure successful and on-time completion of the project deliverables.
  • To conclude the implementation of ELIXIR coordination and operational structure and collect defined procedures into the ELIXIR Handbook of Operations, to be available online for all partners.
  • To review the suitability of ELIXIR’s legal framework, as recommended by ESFRI, and provide conclusions and options to the ELIXIR Board.
  • To analyse emerging technical data and experiences gained from Nodes to update the long-term strategy for the sustainability of data management, which will advise future funding strategy and the ELIXIR Programme.
