The objective of this Work Package is to build an ELIXIR Training and Capacity building programme in Data Management (DM) across all Nodes. We will accomplish this by working in close collaboration with a) the other Work Packages (more specifically WP1, WP3 and WP5) and b) the Nodes.
ELIXIR has adopted a "Training Co-production Model" where expertise from the Training Platform, together with ELIXIR-wide tools such as TeSS come together with DM content expertise to deliver a training package for building and applying DM tools and resources.
We will embed the training within the ongoing national efforts in Data Management and Data Stewardship in ELIXIR Nodes. Through interactions with WP4, we will also ensure that the training resources are communicated to all stakeholders in academia and the private sector. We will also consolidate and expand our training collaborations with partners outside ELIXIR, in particular those partners that have Data Management and Stewardship capacity building high on their agenda e.g. EOSC-Life (ELIXIR is co-leading the Training and Capacity Building WP), FAIRsFAIR.
RDM Trainers Network
WP2 has established an RDM Trainers Network to encourage the exchange of training materials and knowledge among RDM trainers.
O2.1 | Build a comprehensive, interconnected and sustainable ELIXIR Training and Capacity building programme in Data Management across all Nodes | Task 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 |
O2.2 | Connect the activities in the ELIXIR Training and Capacity building programme in Data Management sustainably to the national roadmaps of the Nodes | Task 2.2 and 2.3 |
O2.3 | Establish high level of Data Management and Data Stewardship knowledge and expertise across ELIXIR Nodes | Task 2.3 and Task 2.4 |
Task 2.1 Identify training needs and solutions in Data Management and Stewardship
The ELIXIR Training Platform, in collaboration with WP1, WP3 and WP5, will coordinate the identification of the training needs for data management, of a) data stewards/experts and b) researchers in academia and industry. We will profile the target audience and training needs for the activities and stakeholders described in WP1 (National experts and data managers), WP3 (DM Toolkit) and WP5 (demonstrator/pilot projects). The outcomes of this task will feed into Task 2.2 (Creating materials), Task 2.3 (Running trainings) and Task 2.4 (Outreach).
We will work with WP1, WP3 and WP5 in the following ways:
- Node Data Managers / Data Stewards (WP1): we will support the development of the Node expert network by identifying their specific needs for capacity building and training. In particular, we will support WP1 efforts in building the expert network and ensure their connection to national Data Management training projects and activities.
- DM Toolkit (WP3): we will work together with WP3 (under the co-production model) to first define the specific needs and then devise a timeline for implementation of activities in Tasks 2.2, 3.3 (Access Portal) and 3.4 (Best Practices and Training). The conclusions will feed back into the toolkit enrichment (3.2). WP3 training activities will target both Data Managers / Data Stewards, and researchers in academia and industry. Training content will cover both the toolkit assembly, as well as its usage and deployment in the national infrastructures.
- Demonstrator projects (WP5): We will collaborate with the experts involved in these projects to identify training needs (Tasks 2.1, 5.3 and 5.4). The outcomes of this analysis will be implemented in Tasks 2.2, 2.3, and 5.4 where tailored training for the data stewards and researchers in the Demonstrator projects will be designed, built and delivered.
Leadership: University of Cambridge (Alexia Cardona, ELIXIR UK)
Participants: BSC (ELIXIR Spain), CERTH (ELIXIR Greece), CNR (ELIXIR Italy), CSC (ELIXIR Finland), DTL-Projects (ELIXIR Netherlands), Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (ELIXIR Germany) , Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ELIXIR Hungary), SIB (ELIXIR Switzerland), UCD (ELIXIR Ireland), University of Bergen (ELIXIR Norway), University of Ljubljana (ELIXIR Slovenia), University of Luxembourg (ELIXIR Luxembourg), University of Tartu (ELIXIR Estonia), Uppsala University (ELIXIR Sweden), VIB (ELIXIR Belgium), Weizmann Institute of Science (ELIXIR Israel).
Task 2.2 Develop best practices guidelines and training materials in Data Management and Data Stewardship
In this task training materials will be built, based on the outcomes and recommendations of Task 2.1. WP2 will work together with content experts of WP3 and WP5, and with the expert network in WP1, under a co-production model. The shared commitment approach of this model will guarantee that the content of the training materials developed will be state-of-the-art, endorsed by the content experts, and will ensure their sustainability. Additionally, we aim to connect the developed materials with the specific DM tool or resource, in collaboration with the experts in these tools or resources.
The target audiences for the Task 2.2 training materials are a) Data Managers and b) researchers. Activities targeting other audiences are described in Task 2.4. For all identified topics and themes on the training roadmap developed in Task 2.1 we will bring together the relevant people in ELIXIR and collaboratively develop tailored training material. This will be done in dedicated training material development hackathons.
The training material will be developed according to the guidelines and best practices of the ELIXIR Training Platform (assembled in the ELIXIR Training Toolkit) and they will be well-annotated and registered in TeSS. Training will be modular, facilitating its reuse and roll out across Nodes, thus ensuring long-term sustainability.
Leadership: DTL-Projects (Celia van Gelder, ELIXIR Netherlands)
Participants: BSC (ELIXIR Spain), CNR (ELIXIR Italy), CSC (ELIXIR Finland), EMBL-EBI, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (ELIXIR Germany), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ELIXIR Hungary), IGC (ELIXIR Portugal), SIB (ELIXIR Switzerland), UCD (ELIXIR Ireland), University of Bergen (ELIXIR Norway), University of Cambridge (ELIXIR UK), University of Ljubljana (ELIXIR Slovenia), University of Luxembourg (ELIXIR Luxembourg), University of Tartu (ELIXIR Estonia), ÚOCHB (ELIXIR Czech Republic), VIB (ELIXIR Belgium).
Task 2.3 Capacity Building in Data Management and Stewardship
In Task 2.3 we will deliver Training/Capacity Building events addressing the training needs from Task 2.1. We will use existing data management and stewardship training materials, or training materials developed within Task 2.2.
There will be several types of training events:
- Training courses or workshops, with hands-on activities
- Hackathons where users and developers of data management tools will collaborate to improve the tools and/or data management practice, and translate the results into new training content and teaching materials
- Training events for new trainers in data management and stewardship
The training events will cover tools and services from the DM Toolkit (WP3) as well as contribute to the development of the DM Toolkit itself. WP3 will provide expert knowledge of the DM toolkit and raise awareness of existing data management solutions that have been successfully implemented in ELIXIR Nodes and deployed in EU projects and initiatives. The training focus will be on data from demonstrator projects (WP5).
- Deliver Training/Capacity Building based on training needs identified in Task 2.1. Participants will have the option to test their knowledge and receive accordant training certificates.
- New trainers in data management and stewardship will also need to be trained to upskill the competencies in their Nodes and increase adoption of the DM toolkits across ELIXIR. This training will be delivered through Train the Trainer (TtT) courses, followed by an 'apprenticeship' like period were newly trained trainers will be supported in starting to deliver training themselves.
- Data management training will be connected to Task 6.4 (Excellence in management) to provide tailored training for ELIXIR managers and project managers, as part of the regular events organised by WP6 to build capacity in this area.
Leadership: University of Ljubljana (Brane Leskošek, ELIXIR Slovenia)
Participants: CNR (ELIXIR Italy), CNRS (ELIXIR France), DTL-Projects (ELIXIR Netherlands), EMBL-EBI, SIB (ELIXIR Switzerland), Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (ELIXIR Germany), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (ELIXIR Hungary), IGC (ELIXIR Portugal), UCD (ELIXIR Ireland), University of Bergen (ELIXIR Norway), University of Luxembourg (ELIXIR Luxembourg), University of Manchester (ELIXIR UK), University of Tartu (ELIXIR Estonia), Uppsala University (ELIXIR Sweden), VIB (ELIXIR Belgium), Weizmann Institute of Science (ELIXIR Israel),
Task 2.4 Outreach activities to new ELIXIR Members and Communities
A number of European (e.g. Austria, Poland, Slovakia), and non-European countries (e.g. Australia, Canada and South Africa), have recently shown interest in joining ELIXIR. In addition, ELIXIR will also establish new Communities. In order to help these countries and Communities onboard and adopt best practices in Data Management from the start, outreach activities will be developed in collaboration with WP4 to disseminate information about DMP, its applications and best practices. These activities will target audiences complementary to Task 2.3. such as patient advocacy groups, university libraries, and bioinformatics core facilities.
Policy makers, funders and industry will be reached out to, to raise awareness of the need for DMP as well as strengthen the links between ELIXIR, the expert network (WP1) and key partners such as ESFRI RI, e-Infrastructures and EOSC Governance boards. The training activities as defined in Task 2.2 and Task 2.3 will also run in prospective ELIXIR Member countries as well as for new Communities to develop capacity and engagement.
Leadership: SIB (Patricia Palagi, ELIXIR Switzerland)
Participants: DTL-Projects (ELIXIR Netherlands), EMBL-EBI, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (ELIXIR Germany), University of Bergen (ELIXIR Norway), University of Ljubljana (ELIXIR Slovenia), University of Tartu (ELIXIR Estonia), Weizmann Institute of Science (ELIXIR Israel).
D2.1 | Report on the identified training needs and a timeline for training courses ELIXIR Data Management Training roadmap with contents and timeline for DM courses to be developed in ELIXIR-CONVERGE. |
February 2021 |
D2.2 | Report on the ready-to-use training materials for usage and rolling-out in Task 2.3 Report listing all new DM training materials that have been developed and that are findable and reusable via TeSS. |
January 2023 |
D2.3 | 1st Report on delivered data management and stewardship courses Report listing the delivered training events related to data management and stewardship, encompassing both reruns of existing Node courses as well as delivering of new courses developed in Task 2.2. |
January 2022 |
D2.4 | 2nd Report on delivered data management and stewardship courses Report listing the delivered training events related to data management and stewardship, encompassing both reruns of existing Node courses as well as delivering of new courses developed in Task 2.2. |
January 2023 |
D2.5 | Report on the outreach activities and training activities produced Overview of all data management and stewardship related training and outreach activities that have been undertaken in and for emerging ELIXIR Nodes and Communities. |
January 2023 |
WP leaders

University of Cambridge

(ELIXIR Netherlands)

University of Ljubljana
(ELIXIR Slovenia)

(ELIXIR Switzerland)